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Dora Hitz – Wechselspiele von Weiblichkeit und Raum

Produktinformationen "Dora Hitz – Wechselspiele von Weiblichkeit und Raum"
  • Reimer, Dietrich
  • Schrohe, Rahel
  • 978-3-496-01711-0
  • 22.11.2024
  • 170 x 25 x 240 (B/T/H)
  • 931
  • deutsch
  • 1
  • 384 Seiten
  • 7 %

  • Women artists fall into oblivion, no matter how influential and style-defining they were in their time. This was also the case with Dora Hitz (1853–1924), who represented modern painting in Berlin around 1900, stylistically and thematically. Rahel Schrohe shows why it is worth rediscovering the artist's work and opens up a completely new perspective on Hitz: she examines her work with a focus on the relationship between femininity and space. Throughout her life, Hitz was regarded as a painter of women, as she created numerous pictures of mothers with their children and portrayed women in Berlin society. How did Hitz reflect the position of middle-class women around 1900 and the contemporary discourses on femininity in her paintings? And to what extent did she utilise her social possibilities to take a critical look at women's limited scope for action?
    Hauptlesemotive: Entdecken
    Produktart: Taschenbuch
    Produktform: Taschenbuch

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