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Eine Chora für die Polis

Produktinformationen "Eine Chora für die Polis"
  • AKRES Publishing e.K.
  • Leeck, Christian
  • 978-3-910347-61-8
  • 01.11.2024
  • 190 x 250 (B/H)
  • 1398
  • deutsch
  • 1
  • Für Erforscher der antiken Landeskunde
  • 546 Seiten
  • 7 %

  • The polis Selinunte, founded in western Sicily around the middle of the 7th century BC, is in many respects one of the exemplarily researched sites of antiquity. Archaeological teams and classical scholars from all over the world are currently researching various aspects of urbanity and the cultural assets of the polis. The ancient historian Christian Leeck from Wuppertal, on the other hand, sheds light on a niche of research by focusing on the Chora of Selinunte in more detail. Within the framework of the project, the entire data basis, consisting of individual finds, archaeological excavation contexts, surveys, textual-literary testimonies and landscape-topographical observations, was recorded. The result represents a thematically differentiated reconstruction of the development of the eastern Chora section of Selinunte. The study takes into account the research desideratum of formulating statements about the inner workings of the chora in the archaic-classical period through a microspatial view of the historical landscape. The researcher thus succeeds in finding a methodological key to understanding the history of the polis Selinunte.
    Hauptlesemotive: Verstehen
    Produktart: Buch gebunden
    Produktform: Hardcover

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