Kinderschutz in der Kindertagespflege
14,90 €*
Produktinformationen "Kinderschutz in der Kindertagespflege"
Every child has the right to protection from dangers to their well-being. This includes physical, psychological and sexualised violence within the family as well as misconduct and violence by childcare workers. The author explains what is meant by child rights-based child protection. He uses numerous examples to discuss which prevention and intervention measures are necessary to ensure that day care centres become safe places for children.
Biographie - Maywald, Jörg
Prof. Dr. Jörg Maywald, Honorarprofessor an der Fachhochschule Potsdam, weitere Informationen zum Autor und seinen Publikationen unter www.joerg-maywald.deHauptlesemotive: | Orientieren |
Nebenlesemotive: | Verstehen |
Produktart: | Taschenbuch |
Produktform: | Taschenbuch |