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Long Way Down

Produktinformationen "Long Way Down"
  • Klett Sprachen GmbH
  • Novgorodoff, Danica & Reynolds, Jason
  • 978-3-12-578233-4
  • 23.07.2024
  • 171 x 15 x 252 (B/T/H)
  • 543
  • Klett English Editions
  • englisch
  • 9. Schuljahr,10. Schuljahr,5. Lernjahr,6. Lernjahr
  • 208 Seiten
  • 7 %

  • Don't cry.

    Don't snitch.

    Get revenge.

    Will knows The Rules. So when his brother Shawn is shot, he takes Shawn’s gun and gets in the elevator, determined to follow The Rules. But then the elevator stops and Buck walks in. Buck, who has been dead for years. And on the next floor, Dani, Will’s childhood friend who was also shot years ago, gets on.

    Sixty seconds and seven floors later the elevator is filled with people from Will’s past and he’s beginning to ask himself if he really knows what he’s doing. It suddenly feels like a long way down …

    Winner of the Yoto Kate Greenaway Medal for Illustration in 2020

    Hauptlesemotive: Verstehen
    Produktart: Taschenbuch
    Produktform: Taschenbuch

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